Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Wonder Woman and The Witch

Wonder Woman and the Witch
Originally uploaded by K.C. Belle
Happy Halloween!

I can't lie, this was taken the other day during at our Halloween dress rehearsal. We have officially reached our saturation point today. Click the picture to see the real thing.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Brief Recap

We survived Bridezilla's wedding.
It was actually quite fun- I love a good wedding. Abby and I had a lot of fun running around, but by 10pm on Friday she was spent. She (of course) was the perfect little flower girl, and the big hole in the front of her dress stayed disguised behind the sash. I didn't stumble over my reading, and no one threw up. All in all it was a good evening.
The thing that really struck me was the idea that one day my girls are going to be brides. One day I might be mother of the bridezilla, and I can't even imagine what that will be like. Watching the ceremony I kept thinking about how I would feel about Abby's wedding. When I asked Tim what he thought of that all he said was that it was going to be expensive.
In all I am glad this extravaganza is over. I posted some pictures on flickr, but I can't link to them from here (don't ask).
Next up....Halloween....and I have to say that I am way excited about the costumes this year. Abby's is awesome, and Nora is adorable- don't worry there will be a ton of pictures. Tim is taking part of the week off so he will be around for trick or treating, which will be nice. Hopefully we will be able to catch up on our Tivo....

Friday, October 26, 2007

The Finish Line

The weekend of Bridezilla's wedding has finally arrived! After an intense rehearsal I think Abby is ready to get down that aisle. I have tried to blog all week about my mom bailing on her baby-sitting duties, the inane phone calls from Bridezilla, memory foam, and more, but it just hasn't come to me. I am now off to pack for our night away.....
Here is what I am reading today:
(keep in mind that Groomzilla is a headbanger and his favorite band is Black Label Society- yeah, I've never heard of them either)

The Bible says that love is patient and kind, Def Leppard says that Love Bites (love is the way you make it). Johnny Cash thinks that love is a burning thing, that makes a fiery ring, and that’s ok, as long as it is a groovy kind of love.

Elvis will tells you to love each other tender and true, but to also close your mouth and open your heart for a little less conversation and a little more action.

The Beatles can always remind you that she loves you, and you know that can’t be bad, because, really, all you need is love.

Take the advice of Bryan Adams that when it is love you give then in love you live. May you love each other come rain or come shine and keep in mind what Axl Rose says- worryin’ is a waste of time.

Be reminded that while your existence may be flawed you keep each other closer to God. Make of your hands one hand, make of your hearts one heart, only death will part you now.

And that May there be no mountain high enough or valley low enough to keep you from each other, and may you always feel the words of Black Label Society: Living, fighting, obsessing/Just as long as I can share it all with you/Yesterday, today, tomorrow, come rain, come shine/Hell and back, the beginning in between/till the end of time.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Going Green

Riddle me this: does it kind of defeat the purpose of buying energy efficient light bulbs, eco friendly cleaning and paper products, and locally grown organic produce if you are driving your super sized gas guzzling SUV to and from Whole Foods to purchase said items?

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Here are things I have intended to blog about this past week:

1. I signed Abby up for another preschool that meets 3 days a week so she will be in school all week. While I am excited about the structure to our days, and the stimulation for her, I can't help but be sad at the loss of "freedom". Technically there were three days a week when we were footloose and fancy free (not that we ever did anything of consequence) and now we are not. Oh well.

2. I wanted Abby to start in this school at the beginning of the month and the beginning of one of their "units" (they study something for about a week or two then move on). They are starting a new unit on Monday but Tim doesn't want her to start because he is taking some time off work the week of Halloween and wants to hang out with her the two days that she would be in school. I disagree. What should we do? Do I start her later and let them hang out, or do I let her start now, go and have fun and give Tim the opportunity to hang with just Nora while she is at school? Do I really fight about this considering that he is against this school in the first place?

3. Bridezilla's wedding is next weekend, and so help me if I have to hear one more thing about Groomzilla's bachelor party I am going to kill myself. He went to a strip club. He had several lap dances. She is mentally ill about it and feels like he will spend the rest of their relationship comparing her to every girl he saw. She also has pneumonia so she is home with a lot of time on her hands so she calls me about 15 times a day. The up side; my infertile friend, who is the matron of honor in this extravaganza, has posted pictures of the bachelorette party on her flicker. Go see pictures of bridezilla opening really classy things (the briefs were from me), and me completely not drunk enough to give myself over to this nonsense (yet drunk enough to show all of my teeth in every picture of me as well as sing into my beer bottle). Take a minute to appreciate the look on Bridezilla and Friend's faces when I am tipping Tina Turner, then try to explain what we were doing there if that was their attitude.

4. We went to the pediatrician yesterday and I am happy to report that Abby no longer classifies as "obese". Last year at her 4 y/o check up her BMI was over whatever the percentage was to determine childhood obesity and my pediatrician just happened to mention it was something to watch out for. I kind of freaked out about this because I did not want to put that label on her at such a young age, especially when she was so obviously not overweight. I get it, they have to be careful and make sure that people are educated about this stuff, but it still has pissed me off for the past year. Now the problem is solved....

5. I just got home from choosing my wardrobe for this fashion show I am in this weekend. While in theory it would be fun to "shop" with no budget, it would have been nice to be in a store other than this one. "Ginny", my helpful style coordinator, almost killed me each time I said "my mom would love this!" but I was able to find 2 not too ridiculous outfits to stomp the runway in (I still can't confess to watching the marathons of America's Next Top Model). This should be funny...if I ever figure out my new iPhoto, I will post pictures.

6. The weather has been kooky around here lately. It is cold one minute, hot the next, and it just won't commit to being fall which is irritating. Today, however, is one of those awesome Midwestern fall days where the sun is shining, the leaves are falling, and the wind is crazy. Despite the blue sky sometimes it gets a tad grey outside, and it totally reminds me of being in college and driving on the back roads to go to the Southpark (or Northpark) mall in the Quad Cities after class. If given the option, there are days that I would go and relive the worst day of those years if I could.

There is more, but I have to go fetch the dumplings and head out to watch Bridezilla try on her wedding gown.....

Thursday, October 11, 2007


I had the greatest conversation with Charles yesterday...we were talking about the iPhone, and I asked him if he had a chance to fondle one. In fact he has. When he was in New York he was able to check out Ted Allen's.
Does anyone else think it is kind of funny that he got to check out Ted Allen's iPhone?
When I told Tim about this, his response was: "Who the hell is Ted Allen?"
Do YOU know who I am talking about?
Hint: If you have an idea, BRAVO to you!

Also while I was talking to Charles he reminded me of our upcoming dinner with Amy Krouse Rosenthal. This has been on my calendar for a while, and I am really quite geeked up about this. She is this amazing writer, and every time I pick up her Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life, I wish she was my neighbor and we could have weekly play dates and go bowling together and talk about books and life and be fun hip intelligent young mothers raising fantastic educated mindful young citizens. While i get that is a pipe dream, I will settle for a simple dinner. Thank God Alpana will be there, which means that wine will be there, so I will hopefully not be too much of a nerd.
We have all been requested to create a play list to share with the group, which kind of excites me. I don't know if anyone will appreciate all of my Joni Mitchell and Fregie Ferg.

Have you figured out who Ted Allen is yet?

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

But I said no, no,no....

So Mrs. Materialism and I have been playing phone tag all week, and finally we got ten minutes to catch up today. For whatever reason when we get on the phone we both talk about 100 miles a minute, so we are able to get a lot into our conversations. We caught up on the kids, bitched about a few things and got to the important part- gossip.

In the past month Mrs. Materialism has told me about two friends of hers (one who I actually used to hang out with) who have had to check their husbands into rehab. The chick I know's husband was always a big drinker, and the story is that he woke up the other morning at 2 am and told his wife that he had to go to rehab right then. She got a sitter for their kids, drove him to a local hospital where he had 3 times the legal limit of alcohol in his system. As part of his rehab he now has to go to meetings twice a week and do community service. Does that sound like a voluntary admission? That reeks of multiple DUIs, right?
The other chick is actually a really sad story. She just had her third kid (finally a girl- I really think she would have had a nervous breakdown if she had another boy) and her big beautiful house got raided the police because of her husband's involvement in some shady cocaine dealings. He is now in some 16 week program and all of their money and everything is tied up (kind of like the movie Traffic).
Can you even imagine?
Is this just what happens when you have 3 kids?

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Family Fun and Photo Ops: Take Two

Have I told you about my single mom friend? I feel like I sit down and start to blog about her then I get frustrated and have to turn away from my computer.

Brief History (feel free to skip this part): Homegirl and I went to high school together. We were friends, then we weren't friends, then we were kind of friends, then we graduated. I went to college, she threw away a full scholarship to DePaul for a boyfriend who was under house arrest. When she was 20 she had her first daughter, the guy got off house arrest, left her and she was a single mom until she met bachelor #2 who married her, adopted her baby, and joined the army. He went to Iraq, came home went a little nuts, and now they are getting divorced (after the first of the year because it is cheaper or something, which is a whole other story). In the time she was married, she had another little girl (coincidentally enough, born the same day as Abby), so now she is on her own with her two girls. In a million years I would never think that she and I would be in touch at this point in our lives, but we ran into each other at this reunion, and we have been talking ever since.
We have kids in common, and part of a shared history. I see a lot of what my mom struggled with- being a single mother with 2 kids- in her, and I am sympathetic. I can't tell if I enjoy her company- she is kind of white trash, she chain smokes wherever she goes, and I can't really deal with her kids. I try not to comment on other people's parenting, but her kids are unbelievable. Which leads me to.....

So last weekend Tim was in Detroit watching the Bears get beat by the Lions (this was my brilliant idea to send him and his buddy away for the weekend leaving me to have my one woman show run continuously for two weeks- another story for another time). When he is working on the weekend, or away like that I tend to call Homegirl and see if she and her kids want to get together. So I set it up with her to go to the Garfield Park Conservatory last Sunday to check out this mosaic exhibit I wanted to see.
This little excursion was beyond a disaster area. I seriously would have liked to have dental work done rather than deal with what I did. I saw some of the most God awful parenting (or lack of?) from this girl, and it took me 2 days to recover from it. I can't go into details because it just pisses me off. I have a picture that defines the day, but my new version of iPhoto won't let me post it. Just trust me on this that it was awful.

Despite how bad our first visit was, Abby really wanted to "show daddy the lady with the buckets", so we decided to head down there today armed with our experience from last weekend.
Can I tell you it rocked.
Despite the heat, and the weirdness going on with Tim and I, it was quite enjoyable.
I took a ton of pictures, that you really must go see.
You will also see a picture of me with Bridezilla and her groom, and my friend with the fertility issues, as well as some great shots of Nora being Nora and Abby going to a birthday party.
Man my kids are cute.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

The Isolation Booth

I have been very lonely lately. Tim is just about never home, my sister got a new job and can no longer take my mid-day phone calls (read: cries for sanity), and my conversations with my mom friends are so superficial (seriously, don't these women read?! can we discuss something other than kids?). Sure, I went to Costco with Bridezilla today, but that didn't seem to do it.
I feel like my isolation is effecting my ability to be a good parent, or like my kids are isolated too. I need to enroll Abby in a new preschool (in addition to the one she goes to now- I think 5 days a week would be more beneficial to all of us- not that I want her out of my hair, but because I think she is bored at home with me and Nora- not that I am boring, but I just think it would be good for her) but Tim keeps complaining about how much I spend on preschool already. His argument is also that he didn't go to 2 preschools, so she doesn't need to (duh, he was not the child genius that she is). I get that parenting is give and take and that we have to compromise, but seriously, he spends a fraction of the time with her that I do. I can count on one hand the number of hours he has spent with her in the past week, and even less with Nora. So shouldn't I be able to make this decision on my own?
My other pressing issue is that I need to find a sitter for Saturday night. I had one, but she got Cubs tickets (how can I argue). My mom is busy, and it is a little late to find another sitter. I was looking forward to a night out, but I am probably going to end up just sending Tim (and spending yet another night home alone) to meet his friends we were supposed to go out with.
I feel like I am whining, so I am going to stop now.