Wednesday, August 29, 2007

It's Merlot Time

My mom watched the kids while i filled in at work today. On my way home at about 5:15pm I stopped in at Garden Fresh (a new local grocery store) to grab a few things. Now, I am rarely out in the world at that time, and just about never in the grocery store then, so I was surprised to see that every single person I encountered was buying a bottle of wine. The woman in line in front of me was buying 2 bottles of red wine, cube steaks, ice cream, and a Polish tabloid. The woman behind me was buying a bottle of white wine and 2 bananas. Behind her the guy was buying garbage bags, a jug of wine, and a 6 pack of beer. I scanned a few others on my way out- all buying wine.
Is this what the working people do on their way home?

(I'm not judging, just curious. Wouldn't it be more cost effective to buy it at Costco in bulk rather than stop every day?)


Christy said...

Maybe it feels somehow more special and relaxing to drink wine you just purchased on a whim instead of buying it in bulk?

Indie Mama said...

ah...the spontaneity of childless life! when buying in bulk seemed excessive, because you never knew where you would be next week or month...