Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Non Negotiable

I have reconnected with this friend of mine from college recently. We email about once a week and get together when her school schedule allows (she is in nursing school and absolutely hates it- she wanted to quit once she decided that she definitely didn't want to be a nurse, but her husband told her that she had to stick with it so that she could one day help support the family because he did not want that responsibility to fall solely on him for the rest of his life, which I can kind of see, but forcing her to do something she is sure she doesn't want to maybe isn't the best route to take, but it is not my marriage so whatever). She has a little boy who turned 1 in April. She is one of those people who had a kid because someone asked her why she didn't have any and she couldn't come up with a reason not to so she didn't refill her pill prescription and here we are.
We got together a few weeks ago and she told me how her husband really wants a lot of kids and how he has been trying to get her pregnant despite her desire to wait until she is done with school.
So she emailed me today, and of course she is pregnant, due 2 days after her first's second birthday. Her husband, who was this little stoner fuck (seriously, the only way to describe him, he is a total twerp) is taking the test to be a police officer in DeKalb, and still won't let her drop out of nursing school because the benefits are going to be so great when she is working for a hospital and he is working as a cop.
Tell me this, do people really live like this? She is beyond miserable, knocked up with a kid she doesn't really want, but her husband is over the moon so she just rolls along with it. I put up with a lot from Tim, and I compromise probably more than he does, but isn't this poor girl rolling over on what should be non-negotiable?
A career she hates and a kid she doesn't really want...would you do that for your spouse? Is it horrible that I wouldn't?


Indie Mama said...

i was on the cusp of a really 'big-deal' career and decided i wanted out, and the husband rolled with it, because it was my life.

but things like kids effect 2 people and i think then both people should have a vote.

either way, your pal is on the short end. that sucks...

Christy said...

Why do people like him always want to become police officers?! Yikes! I guess I know why, I just wish it weren't the case.

No, I would not give up everything I want just to roll with what my husband wanted. No. No.

I think a relationship like that stems from a lack of self esteem. It's too bad.