Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Circus, The Bitchfight, The Playdate and My Birthday

Friday I took Abby to the Kelly Miller Circus which came to a neighboring suburb as a fund raiser. It was a small circus with acrobats, trapeze artists, animals and whatnot. The animals kind of stress me out for some reason. I know that they are probably better off in the circus because if they were left to the wild they would have to work for their next meal, whereas at the circus all they have to do is a few tricks then they get a good meal, but it still creeps me out for some reason. I hate the zoo for the same reason. For whatever reason I just don't think it is normal to have Polar Bears in the middle of Chicago, but whatever.
The acrobats at the circus were also kind of creepy. It was this troupe from China and my friend Marnie and I agree that it was eerily homoerotic. Which is fine, but maybe a little much for kids in the middle of the afternoon. Just my opinion....

So Tim's best friend and I have been in this stupid bitch fight since I posted this, and irritatingly enough it still has not been resolved. He was mad that I put that on my blog, I was mad that he sent me this nasty email in response. Things kind of cooled off, but there was still a huge cloud looming and I refused to not acknowledge it. I tried to get him to talk to me, and keep Tim out of it, but to no avail. He was always "too busy" which I guess tells me that it was unimportant to him to resolve out issues. So it was his birthday and we had him and his girlfriend over for dinner the other night to celebrate. I worked harder than I probably should have for someone who is so uninterested in having any kind of friendship with me, and was kind of annoyed that he had a terrible attitude toward me. He wouldn't even make eye contact when speaking to me and when he did all he had to say were rude things. The kick in the pants was that as they were leaving he didn't even say good bye to me. He announced they were leaving, I turned to say good bye to his girl, and when I went to say good night to him he was already walking to his car. It was awful.
Yesterday I was pretty pissed off about this, and sent him an email that I maybe should have thought twice before sending, but what can I do? I would still like to work this out because I think it sucks for Tim that he is stuck between his best friend and his wife and he tries to avoid conflict with both of us in general, especially in this situation. I think I have done enough and that if he wants to fix he he will make the effort. Again, just my opinion....

So Abby's friend from school came over today after class to give her parents some time with their new baby. As we were leaving school we were all standing around oohing and aaahing over the new baby (with a stupid name) and another girl from the class came and joined us while her mom went to get her sister. So I rounded up Abby and her friend and this third little girl asked where we were going and if she could come and play today too. There was a lot of commotion so I pretended not to hear because I really didn't feel like having a huge play date like that today, and it is just too much when they all come over. Does this make me a should crushing bitch, or can I chalk it up to the idea that the two other girls have play dates that don't include Abby and that is ok, so Abby can have a play date with one and not the other?
Just asking.....

So my 30th birthday is around the corner and Tim told me this morning that he is not taking time off for it (we were figuring out when he should burn out his vacation days before the new year), and that we really don't have the money to do anything too spectacular. Now to some this may sound like he is covering up some big surprise party, but alas, that is not how Tim rolls, which is fine. I am not really sure what I want to do for my birthday, but I don't want to have to plan it myself, and I want someone, for once, to put as much thought into my birthday as I put into other people's. I guess I am feeling a little raw that I jumped through hoops for Tim's friend's birthday (which is still being celebrated with a weekend away for the two of them to go to a Bears game in Detroit) and mine will probably go unnoticed. This turned into a whole fight about god only knows what, and I am kind of mad that I am going to have to tell him specifically what I want to do and who I want to join us. I foresee me having to do everything including making a reservation and dialing the phone so that Tim can call people to invite them (don't worry he'll make the call as long as I provide the name, phone number and best time to call for anyone I may want there to celebrate me turning 30, which is a whole other issue entirely...).
I am probably being ridiculous, but I am ok with that. I'm sure that whatever we do will be lovely....


Indie Mama said...

ugh...i'm having alot of censoring issues with blogging, stemming mostly from the in-laws.

it's funny, cuz i really haven't cared at all about my birthday in years...but the fact that we've moved (and therefore, i've had to orchestrate whatever i want to happen) right around mother's day for both years i could celebrate still rankles. (and yup, i know mother's day is a manufactured holiday, but it still rankles)

no point here...just lots of sympathy. it sucks when people act petty, and it sucks when you can't get what you want.

oh, and i totally feel the same way about circuses. zoos i'm better about because i worked one summer there, and learned so much, and i feel like they're educational and therefore promote environmentalism and preservation. but circuses creep me out.

Christy said...

So what was the baby's stupid name? Don't leave us hanging!

Tim's friend sounds kind of petty, especially walking away and not saying bye. Isn't that something we all got over in junior high? Good luck.

30th birthday is kind of a big deal. You should do something fun. Even if you have to plan it yourself!