Monday, March 10, 2008


I am watching this documentary that I tivoed from the Sundance Channel about "utopian livint" in places like Celebration on the grounds of Disney World. Unhappy with that this guy moved to a "shared living community". I am riding this edge of being creeped out and fascinated by this. These people live in West Virginia in a "neighborhood" with smaller homes and one large "community house" where all mail and periodicals are delivered, and the "community members" meet on a daily basis for group meals. Odd?

I can't find Abby's backpack. Any ideas?

I painted the kitchen this weekend, and I love love love it. My mom came in and looked at it then asked me if I was going to repaint it. She is back from Florida and her visit today made me want to poke my eyes out. I am so going to hell.

Today is my dad's birthday. I am a bad daughter because I didn't get anything in the mail for him. I am spending my Easter there with my kids and no husband, isn't that enough?

Seriously, did I leave Abby's back pack at school?

I am going to a conference with Abby's teachers tomorrow. Why does this make me nervous? I am sure that they will tell me wonderful things because she is a wonderful kid, but last year they told me she was a little spacy and I have been neurotic about it ever since.

I have a million of sewing projects that I want to work on, but I am severely lacking in the motivation department. Nora is trying to drop her nap and I am a mess with the time change which is hurting any kind of ability to do anything other than clean up after the tornado that seems to hit my house at 2:30 pm. I need the snow to melt so we can go outside and frolick.

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