Wednesday, April 02, 2008

A Memo to the Grocery Baggers of America

Hi Friends,
Thank you so much for bagging groceries. I am sure that it is probably a pretty sucky job, and I applaud you for stepping up to the plate and making it so that I do not have to bag my groceries myself. While I appreciate you and your efforts, I do need to make a small request.... When I come in and the cashier hands you my reuseable grocery bags could you a) not look at them in disgust, and b) could you please please please not put things in plastic bags then in my reuseable ones? The thing is, I don't want any more plastic bags, really I don't. If I did, I would not bother to bring my reuseable ones in (see how that works). Also, while you are at it could you also not throw the bag away if I have refused it and taken the single item, such as a loaf of bread, out of said bag. Really, my bread does not need it's own plastic bag, and if you really want to get down to it it is technically already in one so putting it in another one then in reuseable bag makes no sense. Really it doesn't. I know what bread looks like, I know not to squish it too much, and I also know that squished bread won't kill a person, so please don't try to point out my bread to prevent said squishing by putting it in a bag that I don't want. And if you do this and I refuse the bag please just put it back on those little hook things rather than shoving it in the garbage can.
Can we work together on this, please? Or can you just move the hell out of my way and let me do it myself? Honestly, I usually try to get the lane with no bagger to avoid this all together, if you must know.
The Lady With the Reuseable Bags


Indie Mama said...


yeah...just try to fight that fight at our local 'grocery store'! they have one guy to place the items in one of their 'special' (re: plastic) bags and another guy to hermatically seal off said bag (still not sure why).

the market's are easier, but they will absolutely refuse to not bag everything you get, even if you're just going to put the eggplants into a reuseable bag (cuz, ya know...they know better than you).

Christy said...

Wow! Does this happen a lot? I don't know if it's because I live in one of those "liberal college towns" but reusable bags are pretty common here and I don't think I've ever gotten a dirty look.

Keep up the good work eco-mama!