Sunday, September 30, 2007


Saturday night the ladies and I had dinner with Bridezilla, and I have to say that she was wonderful. Sometimes she is exactly what one needs. She is one of those people that my sister and I love who is completely and unapologetically honest about what they think about everything. She also loves my kids, which gives anyone extra points in my book.
Despite her bizarre wedding demands, as well as the 6 headed monster that this wedding has turned her into, she is a great person and I am glad that she and I are friends. I also dig her fiance (I can't lie I have looked at him on more than one occasion, however, and asked myself, "Self, what the hell is he doing with her?" only because he is totally this tattooed punk kid and she is all potpourri and racial slurs). At any rate, the are getting married at the end of the month and I have to come up with something kick ass to read at their wedding. They are not religious, he is a "musician" (I use the term loosely after seeing his band play), and she wants everything to be perfect. I can't really find a poem that I love, so I was thinking of putting together some song lyrics (kind of a la Moulin Rouge), but I am stuck. I would love to do the 'Mawwige' speech from The Princess Bride, but I don't think Bridezilla would appreciate that too much. I don't have it in me to forever listen to her tell me I ruined her wedding either.
Any suggestions?


Indie Mama said...

dude...i got nothing. sorry! but according to my in-laws you wouldn't want my help anyway because my toast at the last wedding i attended sucked and even caused my MIL to wonder if i loved the bride at all (no one else had that reaction, so i'm just taking it as further proof that the lady is a loon).

thanks for the advice, since this mainly involves the hubster's family i'm letting him figure it out right now and we seem to now be settling into a deep freeze (which i haveta admit i'm more than a little okay with). we'll see how that plays out, hmm...

Indie Mama said...

oh my eagle eye back in the states you can fill me big is this britney custody thing? i peaked at perez and he was all up on it everywhere or just him?