Thursday, September 27, 2007

Moment of Zen

I have sat down to blog about recent happenings around here about 11 times, but I just can't seem to seal the deal. We are currently hovering around bedtime, Nora is bathed and jammied, Abby is winding down, and they are both sitting across from me coloring pictures from the Care Bears coloring book. I could disrupt to crack the whip and get keep them on their "schedule" (read: getting them in bed so that I can complete a task, thought, etc. without their "assistance"), but no one is crying, pulling hair, whining, fighting, whatever, so I'll let them be.
When I last left you I was... well, I don't really remember, but I am sure I haven't told you about Bridezilla's shower and my late night out (complete with sleep over), or my trip to our Nation's Capital, the second rate care my children received while I was there, or the disaster area that is my mother in law.
Now that I have listed all the things I want to tell you all about my lovely ladies have started whining, crying, hair pulling, and fighting. It is amazing how quickly things fall apart. We'll catch up after bedtime, ok?

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