Sunday, November 04, 2007

Coming Down

Does anyone know what time it is?
I can't for the life of me figure out what time it is. Did I set that clock over there? Is it 2 o'clock, or is it 1 o'clock, or did we fall back and it is really 3 o'clock on our internal clock, and why won't Nora sleep? And really what were they doing up so damn early, but hey, I was up too, so I guess it is not the end of the world, right?

I turned 30 last week, and in honor of this Tim decided to take the better part of last week off so he could hang with his wife and kids. He also threw me a surprise party, and my sister and her family came for a visit. It is now eerily quiet around here.

I had a great birthday, the girls both were at school so Tm took me out for pancakes then to look at cars (I refuse to drive a minivan and as we talk about potentially adding one more to our posse, and as my car racks up more miles, we are looking to replace the Jeep with something a little larger). Tim really liked being off of work, and it was nice to have him around- kind of. Don't get me wrong, I love his company, it is just that he sometimes forgets that we do have kids who need things like quiet time and naps, and occasionally I would like to go and run some errands by myself without the three of them standing over my shoulder asking when we are going to be done. And also it got a little old that on the 3 days he was home from work he never once got out of bed before 9, which, ok, I get it, you are on a mini vacation from work, you should be allowed to sleep in, but when do I get to do that? When do I get to play hooky from my job? Oh, that is right, I don't.
In all it was fun to have him home, but I was ready for him to go back to work this morning.

My sister and her clan came to town this weekend, which is always fun. They were here to celebrate my birthday and be here for my surprise party. The plan was to go out for a nice dinner Saturday night after meeting Tim's cousin for drinks. Needless to say the drinks were to lure me to this bar where several of my friends for different eras of my life convened to shower me with warm wishes, gift cards, and booze.
While it was not a genuine surprise (thank God, because seriously if I had to walk into a room with my "mom friends" and my high school friends and didn't have at least a little warning to prepare mentally I might have died), it was really sweet of Tim to go to the trouble of planning and executing such an event. In all a good birthday celebration.

Since Nora took a total of 0.00 naps since last Wednesday she was a mess all day yesterday and is currently sleeping off the bender she has been on. Abby is quietly playing downstairs, and I am contemplating the groceries I bought today yet I still have nothing to make for dinner (all the meat is still frozen). I have a ton of thank you notes to write, a drivers license to renew, and an iPhone to return (yeah, Tim bought me an iPhone, I am still not ready to talk about it yet). If only I knew what time it was.....


Christy said...

Happy birthday!! I'm so glad you had a surprise party (and that you had a little warning, I would want that too). It sounds like it was a good birthday.

And I totally agree about the time change. It sort of kicked my ass. At least it was real this time; I got messed up and did it last weekend too so I got to have the joy twice.

Christy said...

By the way, congrats on thinking about adding to your family. I suppose if you are purchasing a larger vehicle, this means that you are thinking about sooner rather than later?

Indie Mama said...

Happy birthday!!!

completely belated, but then, i'm pretty much behind on everything in my life right

i'm glad you had a chance to celebrate.

the time change managed to fuck me over in a new and compeletely unexpectedly crappy way this year by coming one day into our trip to mumbai. So, not only did it add to the general confusion of 'what the hell time is it anyway' but it totally managed to add to the jet lag too (i kept trying to convince myself that i was wrong, and that it would help with the jet lag...but no, not so lucky).


do tell all about the i phone!