Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Sharing is Caring

We are 2 days into a week with no school (which is kind of a lie since there was a mini day yesterday) and I am already feeling the burn.
Maybe it was the weekend escape to Detroit to hang with my sister and her super cooler friends (oh yeah, my cousin went too, but only spoke in the car) which left Tim alone with the children that destroyed any semblance of organization we had in the house. Maybe it was the sewer issue we had last week that turned the house upside down. Or maybe it is just the barometric pressure change that has made me completely intolerant to other people's children in my house. Yesterday it was (Insert witty name for a kid who I generally like, but I am glad that she is not mine) before ballet class which led to fights over who goes first for every damn thing from washing hands to going to college. Today it was 2 kids who the girls like playing with, but really, a 4 hour playdate almost tipped me over the edge. I have done everything short of tap dancing to entertain those kids today and they are still bitching about who goes first, who has the bigger piece, who looks more like Wonder Woman (we have started quite the craze around here- who knew we would ever be trendsetters?), and so on. (Note on the Wonder Woman thing: It was a 4 year old boy with red hair who was telling Abby that he looked more like WW than she does) I also refereed fights between Abby and Nora, Abby and the red headed boy, Nora and the red headed kids' sister, the sister and the red head, and so on. If I had to tell them to "figure it out" or "stop tattling" or "knock it off" one more time I was going to lose my shit and run away screaming "You win!", but finally my friend came and whisked them away (she had been to the doctor and shopping) so that I could deliver a meal to the bedridden pregnant mom (will the giving ever stop?).
Now, after extolling the virtues of sharing all fucking day (which let's be honest sometimes sharing sucks) I am off to share my computer with my beloved husband.
Share Bear would be proud!

1 comment:

Christy said...

I hate it when kids bicker. Trust me, I feel your pain.

Hats off to you for being such a go getter about play dates and things like that!

Glad you had a good time in Detroit.