Thursday, December 20, 2007

A Christmas Confession

I have abandoned all of my convictions and beliefs this holiday season.
I have shopped at Wal-Mart.
Not just out of necessity as I sometimes have had to (my sister has absolved me in the past- desperate times call for desperate measures), but I have gone there of my own free will. Many times.
I feel dirty, but it is just so damn cheap, and they really do have some stuff that I need. Today I went to 3 stores to find Mallowmars for Judy and not one place had them. Wal- Mart did. I went to 2 stores to find a yoga mat and both places were sold out. Wal- Mart wasn't. I was also able to buy diapers at an astoundingly low price.
True they look at me funny when I bring in my reusable bags, and no one there really knows what they are doing, and their corporation is singlehandedly destroying the environment, small town businesses, and much more, but it is close to my house, and they haven't let me down yet.
I hate that I am a hypocrite- I vowed to never set foot in a Wal- Mart after reading Nickled and Dimed in America- but alas, I guess I have to evolve.


Indie Mama said...

dude..i'm pretty sure i've mentioned this before, but the last place we lived in the states had a walmart right across a pond from where we lived. the kiddo dislikes cars, it was a 10 minute walk, there was a pond and ducks, and we were moving out of the country on a tight schedule...i made *way* too many trips to walmart.

but's gotta do what you gotta do...

Christy said...

I use resusable bags too! Kudos to you.

I also, ashamed to admit it, go to Wal-mart sometimes. I try to go elsewhere if I can, but sometimes it's just too tempting with its cheap made in china or turkmenistan or guatemala or wherever wares. I feel guilty when I buy it, yet I do. I think it's way hard to avoid Wal-mart 100%.