Sunday, December 30, 2007

On The Verge

I am on the verge of doing one of the many tasks around my house that demand attention. I am about to clean up some of the Christmas crap (seriously, why doesn't Tim's family pitch in and buy me a goat for some family in Africa through the Heifer Project than crowd my house with shit from the dollar store?). I am about to start the endless chore of thank you notes. I am about to empty my dishwasher, load my dishwasher and sort laundry. I am about to start the book I got for Christmas. I am about to organize my sock drawer. I am going to clean out the office, my closet and the refrigerator. I am also going to clean the garage while I am at it. There are a few other things I might try to get to before bed too.....
Really I am going to do none of those things (well, maybe one or two).
My house is (fairly) quiet. Christmas has officially passed, and now comes the clean up. I have been feeling bad that my lack of holiday spirit made the girls miss out on some fun things (the Christmas windows on State Street, the trees from around the world at the Museum of Science and Industry and so on), but I guess hind sight is always 20/20. I feel like I have spent the last week going through the motions, and today, now that everything finally has passed, I had a Coke slurpee (a pale substitute for the Mountain Dew one I truly craved) that put me back in the game. I am no longer (as my mom would put it) out of body.
My sweet little Eleanor is still illin. Her Christmas Eve chest x-ray showed nothing, and while the inhaler and the steroids have been helping her to breathe a little easier I was irritated to go back to the pediatrician yesterday morning to have her prescribe the antibiotic that I had asked for on Monday. Nora has been a trooper, but right this minute we are dealing with the side effects of her "roid rage" which keeps her talking away until all hours of the night (the stuff hypes kids up and now her sleep schedule is totally beyond fucked). I am trying to be the good parent who just ignores it, but she is so sweet singing and talking. She keeps yelling "Yuv Yoo Mama" and I can hear her jumping on her bed. I have gone in to settle her once or twice, but that leads to a story, and maybe a little milk and a snuggle. And I can't resist that snuggle....
This weekend Abby became a true 'big kid'. I don't know what it is but all of a sudden she is super grown up and totally the coolest chick in town. We survived the last of the holiday parties last night and she was awesome. Sure, she checked out and played her Leapster in the corner for a while, but hey, Tim checked out and played Wii for a while too.
So here it is 10 o'clock on a Sunday and I have plenty to do, but no motivation to do it. Tim is at work (yeah, I know) and my sweet little Nora is keeping me here on the verge of starting a project....

1 comment:

Indie Mama said...

well, hell...

for some reason ( own lame brain-ness probably), when i read your original post about the chest xray i assumed it was for you (and remember thinking, "well, shit, that sucks, but at least it wasn't one of the girls"). uhm...yeah...that really sucks (not that it wouldn't suck if it were you, but, you know...)

anyways...hope the kiddo's feeling better soon! my sister has to take steriods occasionally for her ulcerative colitis, and they really do fuck with you. poor thing!

what's it like to have a 'big kid', i wonder... = )