Monday, February 11, 2008

Down With Disease

Once again, Eleanor is sick. last week she started this high fever thing and it has only gone down hill. Her fever has hovered around 102 (gone up a few points and down a few here and there), and she is just pathetic. She has had little to drink and has thrown up everything she has eaten for the past three days. All she does is lay on my bed moaning and coughing, sometimes crying. It is so sad.
I am not quite sure what to do here. I called the pediatrician's office when she spiked the fever, but then felt like a fool because when they called to follow up she was fine. I have tried to keep her hydrated and comfortable, but she just lays on my bed watching TV and sleeping. I took her in to the walk in hours at the ped's office this morning, they told me it is just viral and I should just keep doing what I'm doing. Nora then whined and coughed on my bed all afternoon. I got her to eat a little which she promptly threw up. I finally put her to bed tonight with a temp of 102, and I am completely perplexed about what to do next.
I don't want to be the mom who keeps taking her kid to the doctor looking for a different answer, but I am seriously worried. She has hardly moved off my bed today, and the vomit is totally stressing me out. She has lost 2 lbs, which is kind of a big deal since she was 30 to start with. I feel like she is wasting away in front of me.
Am I being dramatic? Is my pediatrician's office going to think I am crazy if I call again tomorrow?
Why is parenting so hard?


Indie Mama said...

oh that sucks! so hard to watch your kid not feel well. my kid finally just got a clean bill of health (did i mention finally), but it was wracked with all sorts of nervous nights.

hope eleanor feels better very soon, and you get some rest.

Christy said...

Poor kid! I think you know your kid and if it is something that the doctor needs to take a closer look at, maybe some motherly persistence would help them feel the need to do that. And 2 pounds! That's a lot! Hope she's feeling better.