Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Full House

Do you remember last summer when I would mention my racist neighbor who would come by and just lurk and hang out anytime we were outside? I have taken to calling him Kimmie Gibler and I am astounded that no one gets the joke.

We went out Saturday night with some friends and one of them they call Bob Sagget because he "looks just like him!". Really he only looks like him after 3 personal pitchers and a shot or 3.

We went to see the Korean import today. All is well with them. His mama is slowly adjusting to new motherhood. They seem to be doing really well and I sometimes forget that they have to worry about "attachment issues" and what not. I loved hearing about their trip to Korea, but I was sad when she told me that someone on the subway in Seoul asked them why they weren't allowed to adopt a baby in their own country. She replied with a "How rude!" and all I could think of was Stephanie Tanner. Who, incidentally, just had a baby named Zoie, which seriously? It is a great name, but better without the 'i', don't you think?

We also went to the park today to blow off some steam before hopping in the car to see our new friend. Abby's friend Jackie (who I think I hate) asked Abby if she wanted to play "Olson Twins" which made me wonder if they were going to design a clothing line and stand in the corner smoking, trying to hide from the ever present paparazzi. When I asked Jackie's mom where she had heard of the Olson Twins she told me they get their DVDs from the library "all the time" and that they really "instill good virtues" when little Jackie watches them. Isn't that her parent's job?

Since last week's ER, which is sitting on my Tivo is not going to watch itself I am going to watch John Stamos try to get it on with the chick from Freaks and Geeks. No not that chick, the other one.

Now all I need is a run in with the older sister and the other creepy "uncle" who lived in the basement and I have the whole cast of Full House. Or I need a life. One of the two.

1 comment:

Christy said...

You know, I saw the Zoie thing and thought the same thing about the 'i'.

I'm just not into unconventional spellings. Let's keep it traditional, people, let's keep it real.