Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Minivans and Power Tools

Tim has joined a Bag-O league at a local bar. He is on a team with our Republican neighbor and got into this through a friend of Abby's dad. They are outside "practicing" and so far I have heard them discuss the merits of the Ford Windstar over the Toyota Sienna and how Matco Tools are better than Snap On. Is this what happens when you give yourself over to Suburbia?

In other news we are two days into kindergarten and loving it. We had a fantastic trip to the Motor City to celebrate Clementine's 3rd birthday this weekend, and life is good. I have more sewing projects than I know what to do with and the PTA is stalking me.
Life is good.

1 comment:

Christy said...

I'm so glad that Abby is enjoying Kindergarten!

What is Bag-O?

What do you think of the Sarah Palin pick? I think it's condescending.

Glad you had a good time in Detroit. I can't believe Clementine is 3!