Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Procrastination Station

Since I havent' blogged in over a month I thought that now, when I have a gillion things on my plate, I woudl start back up again.
What has been happening here? I'll give you the highlights.
Nora is almost potty trained and I feel like she did it herself the same way Abby did. Abby is a full fledged kindergartner with an attitude. Apparently this is normal that all kindergartners go through this adjustment of being in 'big kid' school so they try to see what they can get away with. It is killing me. Nora is going to be Conky (the robot from PeeWee's Playhouse) for Halloween and despite my efforts to persuade her otherwise Abby is going as a Monarch Butterfly Fairy Princess. My mom and I had a fight because she completely screwed me last week and left me in a lurch. I had a colonoscopy and really enjoyed the drugs they gave me (it was like a wonderful nap). I don't sleep at night any more. We need a new washing machine. We are getting new windows. We are rearranging our house. Tim wants a new TV and I think his desire for a new TV is making our old TV sad and it is not working well. I think that is about it.
I saw this awesome t-shirt the other day that said: I fucked Sarah Palin! I voted for Obama.
I am still laughing about that.

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