Monday, February 02, 2009

The Lost

Abby lost a tooth this weekend. It was a blood bath. Apparently she was wiggling it (do you remember that feeling?) but it wasn't ready to come out yet and the little one moved suddenly and it was yanked out of its comfy nest in her gums. Hijinks ensued.
The tooth fairy brought a $2 bill (she has this thing about bringing weird money)- an extra dollar for the trauma of the loss.

I have been missing blogging lately and have been trying to find a new method/place/outlet that suits my life/schedule/motivation. I forget to twitter. I don't want to be one of those constant over sharers who plague Facebook. Blogger seems daunting.

I'm going to figure something out, but as for now I just wanted to remember that Abby waking me up Sunday morning was one of the best things that has ever happened to me.


Tocqueville From The Heights said...

Glad to see your gettin' your blog on, grrrrl!

Tocqueville From The Heights said...

Glad to see your gettin' your blog on, grrrrrrrrrrrl!