Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Reason

While I was driving to Target after an unsatisfying haircut this morning I remembered why I didn't publish that last post when I wrote it- it wasn't finished.
While my dentist was drilling the hell out of my molars he was expounding on his belief that homosexuals should not be allowed to have children in any capacity because it is "unfair" to the children.
Yeah, because his scandalous, messy, public divorce was so fair to the three kids he had before he knocked up his assistant and added another kid into the mix. Now he has 4 kids who he can be 'fair' to and complain about to anyone who listens- the oldest is a disappointment because he can't find a job post college, the girl has an eating disorder and has been to rehab twice since her 14th birthday, the youngest has trouble at school, and the baby is coddled by his mother. I think he just doesn't want to be shown up by gay parents.

At least he refilled my valium prescription.

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