Thursday, March 05, 2009

Drill Baby Drill

On Sunday I knocked Abby's front tooth out. We were horsing around and she unfortunately took an elbow to the front tooth. It was like watching Rocky in slow motion-blood splattering, tooth flying, excruciatingly pained expression. So if you were in doubt before, my kids will need the most therapy when they are older.
We then went to the dentist on Tuesday. I lost a filling and needed a teeth cleaning and Abby needed a check up. Apparently the soft economy is getting to the dentist because he felt it necessary to take it out on my mouth. I almost needed a root canal and two crowns, but alas I just have 2 really huge fillings. As I was leaving he promised that I would be back in 4 months for the actual root canal.

Why didn't I publish this when I wrote it???

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