Wednesday, October 10, 2007

But I said no, no,no....

So Mrs. Materialism and I have been playing phone tag all week, and finally we got ten minutes to catch up today. For whatever reason when we get on the phone we both talk about 100 miles a minute, so we are able to get a lot into our conversations. We caught up on the kids, bitched about a few things and got to the important part- gossip.

In the past month Mrs. Materialism has told me about two friends of hers (one who I actually used to hang out with) who have had to check their husbands into rehab. The chick I know's husband was always a big drinker, and the story is that he woke up the other morning at 2 am and told his wife that he had to go to rehab right then. She got a sitter for their kids, drove him to a local hospital where he had 3 times the legal limit of alcohol in his system. As part of his rehab he now has to go to meetings twice a week and do community service. Does that sound like a voluntary admission? That reeks of multiple DUIs, right?
The other chick is actually a really sad story. She just had her third kid (finally a girl- I really think she would have had a nervous breakdown if she had another boy) and her big beautiful house got raided the police because of her husband's involvement in some shady cocaine dealings. He is now in some 16 week program and all of their money and everything is tied up (kind of like the movie Traffic).
Can you even imagine?
Is this just what happens when you have 3 kids?

1 comment:

Indie Mama said...


nope, can't even imagine....

we've had a couple of our 'couple' friends divorce recently, but no rehab stories (yet, apparently).

and, i used to work at rehabs, and when you voluntarily check in, you don't normally have a set program for when you leave...just the normal recommended, 30 meetings in 30 days, get a sponser and a therapist stuff. not community service, usually...of course, it's been awhile, so perhaps i'm out of the loop (i also worked on the east coast, perhaps things are different in the midwest?). still, it does sounds slightly off...
