Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Every gift (with the exception of those to my sister and her family) has been opened. Every piece of wrapping paper is tucked safely in the recycling bin. Every toy has been played with, shared or fought over today. Every glass in my house has been used.
This means that Christmas is just about over and I am spent.
Here is the short version:
Saturday: Company Christmas party- I got drunk and told Tim's parents that they had to figure out what they wanted me to do with their bodies when they die.
Sunday: Christmas with Tim's dad's family. 11 Christmas trees with flashing blinking fiber optic multi colored everything. While none of us ended up having a seizure from all the blinking, we did get to sit around with some of Tim's aunts and uncles and pick at old family wounds and talk about those who weren't there.
Monday: A trip to the pediatrician's office which led to a trip to the hospital for a chest x-ray which led to an expensive prescription to fill. (all I wanted was an antibiotic) This fun was followed by Christmas with Tim's parents (a bunch of crap from the doorbuster's sale at Kohl's that I now have to find a home for in my already tightly packed house, and woo-hoo, we get to go to Disney World with them) the Christmas with my mother in law's family. Tim's cousin is pregnant, his other cousin is an alcoholic, and the kids all got guns that shoot marshmallows.
Tuesday: A joyous Christmas morning with our little faeries who were dazzled by the magic that Santa brings, followed by the arrival of my mother who was hammered by noon. We had a lovely dinner with the family, a visit from the chosen family, and more gifts than I can even deal with.

In all a lovely holiday that has left me exhausted and in the center of a crisis of self. But we can talk about that later.
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night....


Indie Mama said...

Merry Christmas! Sounds like fun! (My personal fave was you getting drunk and telling Tim's parents to figure out what they wanted for the afterlife - classic!).

Sounds like the girls had fun (uhm...shot gun marshmellows...not sure what to make of that...), and hope you're feeling better soon (makes dealing with Kohl's crap easier).

= )

Christy said...

That dead body disposal thing is hilarious...

Why 11 Christmas Trees?

Tell us more about your crisis of self.