Monday, December 17, 2007

Same Old Lang Syne

Again, 2 points to anyone who can name the reference in the title here....

So last week I got this random email from someone who I haven't talked to in 6 years. This friend of mine and I met in college, he and his girlfriend were who my boyfriend at the time and I used to hang out with. When my boyfriend and I broke up I got them in the separation, and when they broke up I stayed friends with both of them. He left school, but for whatever reason he and I stayed pretty close. He went to dinner with my family the night before I graduated college. He helped me move into my first apartment. He and I were really tight, and then I met Tim.
I remember being so excited to introduce the two of them, I thought they would really hit it off, but I couldn't have been more wrong. It was a disaster and as Tim and I got closer this friend and I fell apart. I invited him to our wedding, and when I didn't hear from him I called about 2 weeks before the big day and he told me not to get married. It was this surreal conversation that I can still recall quite vividly, and it was the last time he and I talked.
Recently through the joy of myspace I have reconnected with his exgirlfriend and she and I have both been kind of half assedly looking for him. Then he turned up, and now we have had these bizarre email exchanges.
How do you catch up on 6 years when there was so much left unsaid?
We have exchanged the brief autobiography and all that, and there is now talk of getting together. Tim could not be less interested in this turn of events, and while he has no reason to be I wish that someone would be as excited as I am that I have found someone I have really missed.
So could one of you get excited for me?


Indie Mama said...

i'm excited. especially since i get to read all about it.

by the way, those pictures of the girls are too cute!

Christy said...

I think that is really exciting. That's something I really like about myspace and facebook. Glad you found him - I'm interested in hearing more about it! Does he live nearby?

Was there any romantic tension between the two of you at any point? Did Tim think there was?

Charles said...

i'm excited.