Thursday, February 07, 2008

Hot Wheels

Not to be outdone by my sister and her fleet of cars (seriously, they have 5 cars for 2 drivers, and I think they would have more if they could) Tim bought a car today. El Diablo, his Dodge SRT4 (its a Neon, but we don't talk about that), got its ass kicked by the winter storms we have been hit with lately, so Tim hopped onto Auto Trader and found himself a "beater car". We are now the proud owners of a 1987 Jeep Grand Cherokee. Hooray.
I am not mad that Tim bought a car for the purpose of getting him safely to and from work during the winter months. In fact I kind of support the idea of a more sensible car than El Diablo (I call it that because there are flames painted on the side and it has a big handle of a spoiler on the back, also it kind of irks him when I call it that because he is sensitive about the fact he drives a Neon). I just wish he would have been more sensible about buying a sensible car.
This Jeep represents a lot of my issues with Tim. Sure we talked about the purchase before he made it, but not really. To me it would have made sense to have saved the $800 he spent on it and put it away and added to it here and there so we could buy a car to replace mine without having to trade it in (this isn't just me wanting a new car, it is something we have been talking about and plan to do in the next year or so).
But TIm needed instant gratification.
So now we have a new old car and our new house fund didn't get the transfusion it needed this month. Tim and I seem to have the same financial goals, but for whatever reason he is not as focused on them as I am. I suppose we could start storing stuff in the back of the new (old) Jeep....


Charles said...

there is no care more sensible than el diablo.

Christy said...


Sometimes it sucks to share money with another person and try to make decisions about it that you both agree on.

At least a Jeep will be good in the snow!

Also, did Tim purchase the neon with the flames in place or apply them himself? Just curious.

Belle said...

Oh Tim sure did get those bad boys painted on after he bought it. There are stripes that go down the sides and lead to said flames. They are not that big, but pretty noticeable. It is quite a look.