Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Blast from the past

I did something today that I haven't done in a long time. I cut the bejeesus out of my leg while shaving in the shower this morning. Seriously it is like the worst wound in the history of shaving. We're talking 4 inch gash on my right shin. My bathroom looked like a crime scene by the time I go the 8 band aids on it, and while it doesn't really hurt I am slightly concerned that it has not stopped bleeding. The big bummer is that now my tan is shot.
That's right I said it, I am officially working on my tan this summer. I know, I know, in this time of melanoma we should be covered form head to toe in SPF 1,000 and wearing large brimmed hats and turtlenecks to the pool, but this summer I am going with the bacon theory- fat looks better tan.
Not only has my blogging been nonexistent since the spring, my working out has as well.
Here are things that have not- my crafting, my tv watching, my Wii playing, and a whole litany of other time sucks (like Facebook- I am now 'friends' with people I haven't laid eyes on in 15 years and, to be honest, i feel a little weird about it).
Details on the healing process to follow.....

Check out what we have been up to since April.


Christy said...

Aw, you have the cutest kiddos. It looks like you guys had a great summer. I look forward to hearing more about it. I laughed out loud about that "beware how exhausting this hike is" sign. And that water was so blue! I'm so sorry to hear about your leg - youch!
You know, I've been getting scarily into facebook as well. I have accidentally (drunkenly) added people as friends who I only sort of knew 15 years ago. It's a bit odd.
What kind of crafting have you been doing?

Christy said...

Ok, here I am again. Just wanted to say thank again (I thanked you on my blog) for your perfect comment. I think you're great.