Sunday, August 10, 2008

Going for the Gold

Is anyone watching the Olympics?
They are kind of taking over my life.
We had an impromptu party Friday night to watch the opening ceremonies, which was fun with the exception of the Republican from down the street. Anytime this guy comes over he stays way too late, and manages to offend my sensibilities with his socio/political beliefs while drinking all our beer. Seriously, after going off about how we should drill the hell out of Alaska so that he can fuel up his NASCAR a little cheaper he started a lecture about Barack Obama that ended in him calling me a baby killer. Then he told me that his cousin has "epilepticsy" because his aunt had an abortion and God was punishing her.
The problem is that all this is done in a nice neighborly manner where he doesn't really take offense to me telling him he sounds like a red neck so therefore I should take no offense to him calling me a baby killer. I guess I generally surround myself with people who share at least some of my ideals so it is kind of shocking/annoying when someone so outspokenly disagrees with me. He really sounded like a moron telling me about Barack Obama's push to brainwash people with his blackness.
I don't know what it is, when Chach bashes Obama, it doesn't strike the same nerve because I feel like we at least have some common ground since he so actively supported Hillary's bid. Not that I won't love him a little less if he votes for John McCain, because hell yeah, I will, but I at least he is not doing to because Fox News told him to.
And another thing.......
The whole New Yorker cartoon- why are we talking about this? Why are people so offended by seeing a black and white drawing of what every anti-Obama email forward has been saying for months? Maybe I don't get it, but really is it that big of a deal? Every stereotype portrayed in that cartoon found its way into my neighbor's litany of reasons not to vote for him.

But anyway, the Olympics are kind of my favorite. I remember watching the winter Olympics in Italy with a newborn Nora, and making a "leafy crown" for Abby while watching the Olympics from Athens with her. Sure they get boring, but Tivo has totally changed the face of it all for me. The one thing I can't handle are the announcers. I yell at them constantly for being mean about the athletes. Can't they just be a little supportive? And Bob Costas' chat with George W. was more painful than watching any of the gymnasts fall, but for the most part the Olympics make me happy. I want to know what Michael Phelps is listening to on his iPod, and I want to know how one decides to become a synchronized diver. I also want it on the record that volleyball is boring and that I want to punch all of the roaming camera men who get close to and zoom in on athletes who have just lost .And did you see Bela Kyroli's plaid jacket-hot!

I just love the Olympics.

1 comment:

Christy said...

Yuck, I hate people like that. It's bad enough that he feels the need to enlighten you with his political ideas, but then to drink all your beer? That's going too far.

I haven't really been watching this year. Some years I'm into them and this time I just haven't been for some reason. Enjoy though!