Thursday, August 14, 2008

What makes your world go round?

I spent today in Milwaukee at the home of Mrs. Materialism listening to her talk about her upcoming move and her Brazilian cherrywood floors. Her husband, Dr. Materialism, has been looking all over the country for a job as a radiologist that will pay him the gazillion dollars he believes he is worth. They won't be staying in Milwaukee because he can only make $300,000, however if they move to the outer reaches of northern Michigan he will make $896,472, with a huge signing bonus and some other nonsense. Mrs. M doesn't want to move there because she doesn't want to be cold, or that far from a Target (fair enough).
When I asked her where Dr. M would be happiest, her answer didn't surprise me, but it did annoy me. He wants to be where ever will pay him the most money (no big surprise there). It makes me sad that he is a doctor who is not a doctor to help people or because he has a passion for science, he is a doctor because he wants to make a buck. And she supports this because she wants the lifestyle of a woman with a husband who pulls down a pretty good buck.
It is so weird to me that they truly believe that their happiness lies in a pay stub. Money makes their world go round, and as I was driving home I tried to figure out what makes my world go round.
I think it is the happiness of my kids and things like laughter, good tv, naps, helping people, and enough hugs and kisses for everyone make my world go round. Sure it would be great to have a giant pile of money for all those things, but that is unrealistic. If given the option I would pass on the cash and take the happy things. Is that weird?
The Materialism family is positively exhausting. I will say my little demon God son has really mellowed into this adorable little guy who hates wearing pants and loves growing things in the garden. There is hope for him yet.....

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