Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Since my sister won't do it....

.....I am going to have to blog about he cuteness that is my niece.

So when we were there at Thanksgiving Amanda and I were explaining to Clementine that we were sisters. As we were telling her "Auntie is my sister" and "your mama is my sister" she grew despondent and then agitated. She then started crying because "that's my mama" and we soon figured out that it insights rage in her when we would explain that we were sisters.
So fast forward to last week when Clementine was being a pistol and was telling Amanda that she couldn't talk to her. When Amanda said, "I am your mama and I will talk to you" Clementine busted out with "You're not my mama! You're Auntie's sister!"

This kid is full of great one liners. She has also picked up some foul language on the way and I would be lying if I said it wasn't funny that she uses the 'f' word often. At least it was funny until I realized that Nora says "Shit!" every time she drops something.

Out of the mouths of babes......

1 comment:

Christy said...

That's funny. It always cracks me up when Eleanor brings something up that I hardly knew she was paying attention to, but somewhere she was filing it away in there...