Monday, January 07, 2008

The Sunday Night News

It started with Nora on Wednesday night. We had dinner with my mom, and a fairly uneventful evening which ended with her throwing up at midnight and continuing to do so until about 3 am. The next day she was able to kind of rally for a trip to Ikea despite some ickys, but we still laid kind of low. Friday morning I though we were in the clear. We went to get Abby's haircut (just like mine) but dashed home after a diaper mishap (you don't want to know). After lunch Abby told me her tummy hurt and I knew what was coming for me.
Poor little thing spent the afternoon in rough shape while I washed hands, sheet, towels, the bathroom, tushies, faces, clothes- you name it. We had plans to go out that night, and against my better judgement I tried to see them through. We weren't even to the restaurant when the sitter called to tell us that Abby was throwing up again (I told Tim not to give her anything other than sips of water, but I don't know what i am talking about). We stayed in and watched Transformers and I waited.
I waited to get hit by this bug crawling through our house. After getting up 4 times between the two of them needing diapers water or hugs, it was my turn. At one point I thought I was going to die, but morning came and I made it.
I started to feel better throughout the day, and was determined to pull it together in order to go out Saturday night (an afternoon of America's Next Top Model helped). Tim had the girls most of the day and I would be lying if I said I knew what he did with them other than make a mess and yell a whole bunch (Tim has this very distinct way of dealing with anything- his immediate reaction is anger of any sort, and even if it is not that he is really angry he sounds angry which makes one think he is angry. There is also a lot of swearing.). My mom took them in the afternoon so that we could celebrate our anniversary.
We actually had an awesome time. We went and got massages then met Chach and Alpana for dinner at the Mafia Hangout. I was nervous how my stomach would handle everything, but after one bite of roasted duck ragu, I was back on my game (although I could have done without the chicken liver pate- too smoky flavored). I ate seriously the most amazing sea bass, and a filet that was divine. The best part was how fun it is to be with Charles and Alpana. Sometimes it is really nice to go out with people and not have to talk about your kids all night because it is all you have in common. I love going out with them because I feel like a real adult, and we always have a great time with them. Don't get me wrong, I like swilling beer with Bridezilla and her hubby's death metal band, and I like competitive parenting at cocktail parties and the such with out "parent" friends, but sometimes it is just nice to go out and not come home hammered or neurotic.
After getting to sleep in this morning, my mom called to ask me if Nora was ok. Now, since i hadn't been with her for 18 hours I really had no answer for her. Apparently she had diaper rash and was just laying around all morning. Shortly after that conversation Tim decided it was his turn to get sick. By far he has had it the easiest, but of course has been the most dramatic. Since Abby and I were feeling better we took down the tree and de-decked our halls, all while trying to get organized for the new year and doing seventeen gazillion loads of laundry.
I have washed my hands no less than 117 times today and done about 16 loads of laundry in the past 2 days. I think we are all on the mend, except little Nora who we have determined to be the sickly one. WHile she has handled all this well, I am worried about her guts and her tush. She really has lost her sparkle this time around but I don't think she is ready for the pediatrician quite yet after all the nonsense they had her taking around Christmas (why does that seem like a month ago?). Oh, well, we'll see what this week brings... Back to school tomorrow, and I am determined to get my basement put back together after the holiday explosion, not to mention the plumbing thing (did I tell you about this?). If only I could finish this laundry...


Emily with an M said...

I could learn a thing or two from you! I am such a baby when it comes to stomach bugs- I put everyone on lock down for 2 weeks. I cannot believe that you went out for dinner- let alone a FANCY one! You go girl! I'm so sorry to hear that little Nora is taking this all so hard. Enjoy the 60 degree temps today- we are so going for the longest walk that my legs can handle.

Christy said...

Yikes! That sounds rough! I'm glad you recovered well enough to enjoy your dinner out. I hope Nora starts feeling better soon.

Charles said...

i think we should celebrate your anniversary at ricky bobby's every year.

Indie Mama said...

stomach bugs are terrible. glad you got to celebrate your anniversary! hope nora feels better very soon!

uhm...and 16 loads of laundry in 2 days? you're my hero!