Sunday, January 27, 2008

Call Forwarding

I just posted a whole slew of pictures to my flickr page.

For whatever reason I just can't find time to blog lately, so please refer to that as a brief glimpse of what is going on around here.

Eleanor turning 2 has been quite the affair, and we are trying to clean out our basement. I have also been working more, which throws off my mojo in a way.

I still have pictures from today (we had a non birthday party at my father in law's house- nothing like swimming in January...) but I can't find my camera at this exact moment so those will have to wait. Hopefully not for 2 more weeks, but we'll see.....

1 comment:

Christy said...

They look so grown up! Wow. So cute.

I think my internet is finally fixed. I totally wanted to make out with the repairman I was so grateful to be taken seriously about this stupid internet problem.