Friday, January 18, 2008

Emergency Contact

I don't know if I have mentioned my single mom friend who I went to high school with ever. I think I start to blog about her but can't articulate how unpleasant it is to be around her children sometimes then I feel like and asshole for being so intolerant of her children (well, child actually- the younger one doesn't bother me so much).
So anyway, this chick had a kid after high school, the dad left her she met some new guy married him had another baby (the same day Abby was born) and then got separated from him for a variety of reasons (the fact that he is kind of a scum bag being the first and foremost reason). In high school she and I were pretty good friends and then we had one of those teen drama falling outs (over what, I can't even remember), but graduated on good terms. I didn't talk to her for years but met up with her this past summer at this min reunion we had (I can't remember if I have told you all this- if it is a rerun, I am sorry).
So I haven't talked to her in a while because we went to her youngest' birthday party and it was kind of traumatic for me. It goes deeper than me disagreeing with how she parents (I just don't think that Cheetos are a breakfast food and that constantly smoking around your kids is the best idea) I was kind of disturbed by everything that went on there. From her estranged husband who was smoking pot in the basement during the pinata to the family arguments that got carried out through the kids it was all really uncomfortable.
So I have kind of limited our contact just because it makes me crazy and it is hard to keep my mouth shut about it all. Until last night, when my friend called me at 10pm in tears. She asked me if I could pick her youngest up from day care today because she is without a car (there is a repossession issue and a suspended licensee involved here). She then asked me if I could be an emergency contact for the day care because she has had to leave work at least twice a week since the new year because her kid has had some sort of super freak out at day care and they can't deal with it.
What does one say to this?
She then told me that she is getting her kid evaluated by all these specialists because they think she has some overstimulation disorder (which is funny because I feel totally overstimulated when I am with them- the constant dialogue of the older one the mom yelling, the TVs on, the game Boys, stereo, etc.). My friend is a mess over this and is has missed all this work because she has to take her to doctors and meetings and pick her up at day care when they can't deal with her anymore.
I tried to offer a sympathetic ear, but I had nothing to say. Her kid is a mess, and needs some help, get her the help, right?
Then she asked me if I would be an emergency contact when the kid needed to be picked up from day care early.
What does one say to this?
So I told her I would pick her up today, but my schedule was such that I have no predictable day in which I could factor her kid in. I told her if there was a complete emergency where blood adn ambulances were involved she could call me, but other than that she had to make other arrangements.
Does this make me a bad person?


Christy said...

I think your response was perfect. It's much better to set limits with people who make inappropriate requests of you than to go along with it and be pissed. You have totally done your duty, if there is a real emergency, then fine, but you have your own life and your own kids to take care of. Sounds like a bad situation.

Indie Mama said...

no...definately not a bad person. i think you actually handled that quite tactfully.

how sad for the other mom (as i think frantically as to who in mumbai i could use as a back up contact when the husband's out of town...crap!).