Friday, January 04, 2008

A Multiple Choice Quiz

Which would you rather deal with: an almost 2 year old who throws up about every 15 minutes in the middle of the night, then once sleeping suffers explosive diarrhea, or a husband who has purchased Guitar Hero for his Playstation.

Yeah, I would pick "neither" also.

Today has been the longest day of my life.

I need winter break to be over so that I can get back into a groove, and I need that groove to not come from Guitar Hero.

I need to go lie down.


Indie Mama said...

oh. dear. god.

you poor thing....

hope things get much less messy very soon!

Emily with an M said...

Oh dear god is right! Poor Nora!!!! Poor you! :(

Get well sooooooon, baby!

Christy said...

Oh no! I hope Nora feels better soon!

And from what I hear, guitar hero can be quite addictive - my sympathies... :-)