Monday, March 10, 2008


I am watching this documentary that I tivoed from the Sundance Channel about "utopian livint" in places like Celebration on the grounds of Disney World. Unhappy with that this guy moved to a "shared living community". I am riding this edge of being creeped out and fascinated by this. These people live in West Virginia in a "neighborhood" with smaller homes and one large "community house" where all mail and periodicals are delivered, and the "community members" meet on a daily basis for group meals. Odd?

I can't find Abby's backpack. Any ideas?

I painted the kitchen this weekend, and I love love love it. My mom came in and looked at it then asked me if I was going to repaint it. She is back from Florida and her visit today made me want to poke my eyes out. I am so going to hell.

Today is my dad's birthday. I am a bad daughter because I didn't get anything in the mail for him. I am spending my Easter there with my kids and no husband, isn't that enough?

Seriously, did I leave Abby's back pack at school?

I am going to a conference with Abby's teachers tomorrow. Why does this make me nervous? I am sure that they will tell me wonderful things because she is a wonderful kid, but last year they told me she was a little spacy and I have been neurotic about it ever since.

I have a million of sewing projects that I want to work on, but I am severely lacking in the motivation department. Nora is trying to drop her nap and I am a mess with the time change which is hurting any kind of ability to do anything other than clean up after the tornado that seems to hit my house at 2:30 pm. I need the snow to melt so we can go outside and frolick.

Thursday, March 06, 2008


I am sitting here waiting for my tiny bathroom to fill with steam so that I can take Miss Nora in there and exorcise the deamon in her lungs. We were free of any kind of cough the whole time we were in Florida, but as soon as we got home it came back. Last night at midnight she woke up with a terrible croup-y cough that breaks my heart. We took her outside, and did what they say to do and it helped, but I slept the fitful mother's sleep that was interrupted several times by her sad barking cough.
I took her to the allergist today, sure that he was going to tell us that we had to get rid of Vince, our beloved cat, but alas the tests were inconclusive. Yes, she has a slight allergy to cats and dogs and pollen of some sorts, but it is too cold for pollen, and the pet allergy is not that bad. So she is taking this non steroid thing that should help her breath better (of course my mother in law is on the same medication and she says it doesn't do anything for anyone anywhere so I am wasting my time and I should go directly to allergy shots every two weeks like she did when she was a kid because she had/has the worst allergies of anyone anywhere. Seriously, who won't anyone just allow my kid to be sick and not tell me how much worse they have had it?).

10 minutes later.....

The steam shower did approximately nothing to help her. She is kind of sleeping, but continues to cough and cry.

What do I do here?
The last time I took her into the doctor for a walk in visit when she had the croup the doctor listened to her chest and shooed me away telling me Abby had pink eye and that Nora was fine (it wasn't my regular doctor). I know that this gets better in the morning, but my kid can't seem to get all the air she needs right now and it stresses me out. Am I totally neurotic if I call the pediatrician tonight? Will I hate myself tomorrow if I don't call tonight and I take her in tomorrow to find out I should have called? Will this just correct itself? Why is this so difficult?

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Bowling for Baby Showers

I have been to two bowling alleys and a baby shower in the last 24 hours. It would have been better if the baby shower had been at a bowling alley, but who am I to complain.
We also went to this weird cocktail party last night. I'm sorry, it was a wine and cheese party. There is a difference.
Abby has show and tell tomorrow.

We're back from Florida, by the way.