Thursday, October 05, 2006

First Blood

Today the ladies and I had a playdate.
I actually like the mom, and I thought it would be fun. It was, with one exception.
Nora was tooling around on the floor and found this wand to chew. I kind of half assed inspected it and found it to be safe so I let her chew away. All of a sudden she let out a cry not to be believed. I looked and she was winding up for another. What had happened? She stabbed her gums with this wand and was bleeding.
I rinsed her and comforted her, but there was not much I could do. I was really quite calm about it.
She seems fine, but her gum is swollen and looks sore. What I am really sad about is that this incident seems to have brought out another tooth. I can no longer call her "White Fang", and she is no longer my toothless little baby. She is actually a kid who is pulling herself up on anything she can.
Please don't clue her in about walking yet.

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