Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Birthday Party

My mom's birthday has always been celebrated over 2 days (August 27th and 28th) because of a mix up in her childhood. She had always celebrated on the 28th but then when she was about 15 she found her birth certificate saying that her birthday was the 27th. When she inquired about this my grandmother dismissed her, saying she was born in the middle of the night. In reality, my mom was born the morning of the 27th, however in those days they would knock you out to give birth, so she just counted the birthday as the day she finally came to.
We have always had a good laugh about this, and done our best to celebrate over the 2 days. While we had her big 60th birthday bash the weekend before last, I hosted a little birthday fete here last night. I do my best to fuss over other people's birthdays because I really believe that no matter what anyone says, they do enjoy the attention. I had invited my mom's beau, as well as her sister and my cousin. I didn't get around to calling my aunt until Sunday because I was kind of waiting to see if we were going to have power to determine what our plans were going to be. She (of course) did not feel like the invite was sincere enough so she declined. I was content to have it just be my mom the beau, the girls and I (Tim had to work, are you surprised?), but my mom told me to call my mother in law and invite her too. Oy.
So they all came over, we watched the girls play outside while dinner finished preparing itself. I prepared cocktails and about 15 seconds later my mom and my mother in law were hammered. It was so far beyond obnoxious I wanted to die. My mom just alternated between gushing and making inappropriate comments to my mother in law about how foolish she is for staying with her philandering husband. This went unnoticed because my mother in law refused to let anyone start a sentence without arguing with/talking over it. I usually can handle this, but when I was giving Nora some Benadryl from these poorly marked prefilled things and she started telling em that I was doing it wrong I just about lost it. They are these 5mL prefilled spoon things, Nora is to take 1/2 a tsp of Benadryl when needed. If there are 15mL in 3 tsps according to my conversion chart, then the spoons are 1 tsp, so she should have half. My MIL told me that I had not given her enough and kept trying to give her the rest of the prefilled spoon. She even went so far as to take it out of the trash and bring it into her room after I tucked her into bed. I was happy to have caught her before she overdosed my baby. All of my arguments and mathematical explanations of my actions were disputed. She kept telling me that I was wrong, and as she did so her voice became more and more shrill. I seriously had to bite my lip to keep myself from absolutely losing it. This was the last straw after listening to her interrupt anyone who spoke at dinner so that she could argue with them.
Where was my mom during all this? She was gushing all over her beau about the golf clubs he bought her as a birthday gift. Now, my mom has never golfed a day in her life, and has legitimately tried to do so with him, but complains about it constantly (when he isn't listening). It was sweet of him to get her such a nice gift, and she did thank him profusely, but it got to be a bit much as she continued to down Dewars and talk about how they were now committed to one another over golf clubs. Not as irritating as my MIL, but still a bit much.
So now I think we are officially done celebrating my mom's 60th birthday. We are now ramping up for a wonderful second birthday celebration for my niece. We are off to Detroit sometime this weekend, but pinning Tim down for an ETD is kind of like reasoning with a 4 year old. He is allegedly going to be home tonight so that I can get to my rehearsal for my recital on Monday, but I will believe it when I see it...

1 comment:

Christy said...

Your mom's birthdate story is hilarious! I've never heard of that happening before.

Also, although I am a bit jealous that you can drink with your mom, since my parents are religiously opposed to alcohol, I can see how that event could rapidly deteriorate.

And trying to give your baby more medicine!?! That's completely inexcusable.