That being said, this is reason #5182 that I think my MIL hates me, and why I hate her:
Why in the fucking hell would anyone ever buy me such nonsense? And seriously, she is one of the many people who tell me on a regular basis how small my house is, and how cluttered it is with a bunch of crap we don't need. Now my house is even smaller and I have to find a fucking place for these god awful fucking scarecrows that make me swear like there is no tomorrow. Seriously who in their right mind who liked me even a little would buy me such crap? What the fuck am I going to do with these things? I have to display them because she is so ridiculously excited about how "adorable" (her word, not mine) they are and how funny she thought it was that the little ones look just like Nora. Speaking of which, notice the lovely outfit Nora is wearing in that picture. That is one of Kathy's purchases, and seriously, my baby looks like she has been shopping at the Limited Too. Isn't she too young to be dressed like a hussy?
Anyone need some scarecrows? Here look at them again:
I'm not overreacting, am I?
Didn't think so.
I love the look on Nora's face -can you be-LIEVE this shit?
My MIL does the same thing. Not quite as large and gaudy, but things like checkered apple themed kitchen decorations when I already have a blue kitchen that is as decorated as I want it, thank you very much. Or an ornate golden mirror that would look JUST PERFECT by my front door.
I just say thank you and put them in a closet somewhere. So far she hasn't mentioned anything. That may be harder to do with two large scarecrows though!
So NOT ever reacting!
Seriously, what is it with MIL's? And to think, we get to become them in another 20 odd years!
Mine called a day ago and bitched us out for 30 minutes straight because we didn't spend enough time with them (at a family wedding they invited themselves to), because we let our daughter roll around on a dance floor in a dry clean only dress she bought her, amongst other trivial complaints. It ended with her saying - "why do you hate us?" Jesus...
Um...yeah, so anyway... (sorry for unloading a rant here)
That's pretty horrbile...and I guess you can't get away with what i do (hid the crap away until they come for a visit)...
And yeah...what is up with dressing 3 year olds like Lindsay Lohan? 3 year olds don't have cleavage? What the hell?
Sorry dude! Apparently I can only rant help here...
= )
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