In the last 1829 days Abby has gone from being this fragile little lump to a an actual walking talking individual with a (great) personality, sense of humor, and opinion. She has gone from relying solely on me for feeding her to a kid who I have to beg to eat her green beans. She has traded in splashing in the bath tub for singing in the shower, but still wants me to "dress her like a baby" some nights before bed. She has gone from being an only child and the center of everyone's universe to a big sister and an older cousin who must now share the spot light. While she is still nestled under my wing, she is branching out socially at her schools, and I have been told by both her sets of teachers that she is incredibly smart.
She is, in a word, awesome, and while the first 1,829 days have had their ups and downs, I would not change a single second of it.
So her is to you, my little 5 year old, who brings such joy and light to everything around her. You really do make the world a better place.
Happy Birthday kiddo.
what an adorable photo!
belated birthday wishes to the newly minted 5 year old!
Happy birthday, Abby! May age 5 be a wonderful year for you.
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