Thursday, April 17, 2008

Good Fences

I had 3 goals this week, one of which was to get my whole yard edged and looking pretty.
I need to send a memo to my lonely neighbor (Kimmie Gibler's mom) that me being in my yard is not an invitation to chat. It is not my way of secretly trying to signal to her that I want nothing more than for her to come over and talk my ear off.
My presence in my yard is also not a request for other neighbors walking their pets to come and do any of the following:
-ask how much our brick work and landscaping cost
-suggest ways in which I could "enhance" my yard
-offer unsolicited advice about my child rearing/lawn mowing/car parking
-comment on the number of dandelions growing in my yard
-allow their dog "do his business" on my yard then ask me to just rake it up with the other stuff I have to take care of

Sometimes I hate being a homeowner........


Christy said...

Oh my god, are you serious?! Can you just rake that up with the rest? Wow! The nerve. I'm kind of impressed that someone would have the balls to say that.

Charles said...

you haven't updated this blog in years. why?

AnnieM said...

I think it's a "must" to have an annoying neighbor. We have 2. One that has no verbal sensor and one nosey one who passes around all the gossip. It's so annoying, you are not alone!