Friday, May 19, 2006

Some people's children.....

As the youngest mom on the playground I am not one who is always so secure in my parenting decisions. I wonder if I am doing the right thing by letting Nora have a pacifier, or not forcing Abby to wear a bike helmet that doesn't fit her properly. I wonder if I have completely fucked both my kids up by spacing them the way that I have. I worry about their exposure to non organic milk and produce. I worry that they don't get enough sleep or that Nora NEVER naps in her crib. I worry that the 2 beers I had after mowing the lawn tonight are going to make it so that Nora can't get into Harvard. I worry about a lot.
One thing I don't worry about is my children's behavior in restaurants. I know I keep Abby on a tight leash far as manners go, but I see that as something that will serve her now and later in life. Why am I the only one?
I have watched 2 friends of mine this week completely ignore their child's AWFUL behavior and have had to restrain myself form disciplining their children when they choose not to. I am all for picking your battles, but to allow your child to lick mine while eating lunch is wrong. To allow your child to smear ketchup in my child's face during lunch without so much as a "no-no honey" is reprehensible.
Am I hard ass? Maybe. But at least I know my kid won't be starting the food fight in the cafeteria. She will be too busy quietly making castles out of the wrapped butter pats and sugar packets.

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