Monday, February 12, 2007

Scheduling Conflict

The plague that has been on my house for the past two weeks is finally leaving. Miss Nora is feeling much better, and despite her reaction to her antibiotic (I don't like being that mother who discusses her child's poo, all you need to know is that there was a lot of it), she has her sparkle back.
I have been waiting for someone else in my house to get sick, but knock on wood it hasn’t happened yet so all we have left of this is the new routine Nora has established for herself. This included several parades through the house after bedtime in the arms of whoever lost the round of rock, paper, scissors (this is how Tim and I do most of our parenting as well as make decisions). She has all kinds of new tricks.
Here is what she can do:
Walk, wave, clap and say "Yay" with the same inflection I say it to her, blow kisses, say dada to Tim, say Mama.
She has also figured out that Abby gets things that she may want, but doesn’t yet understand that she can't have them, such as a slushie from Target.
She can also manipulate Tim into scolding Abby whenever she is within 6 inches of her dance space (the ultimate little sister move)
Here is what she can't do:
Diagram a sentence, blow her nose, play soccer, or be not touching me when I am in her line of vision, go to bed and stay sleeping without waking up first around 9ish and expecting a parade around the house some milk/juice/water and a snuggle, then on and off until about 12:30 am when she finally falls asleep until 6:30 when Abby wakes up to tell me that she will be getting up at 7 so she can watch Little Einstein’s which wakes Nora up also. But Nora doesn't get that she can't leave her room until 7:00
All I want in life is for my kids to willingly sleep until 7:30. Is that so much to ask?

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