Monday, April 02, 2007


Tim and I went to the opening of Tony's show on Friday. I always like going to his shows because they are fun to look at and it is generally a good night out. His rendition of Alice in Wonderland is quite colorful without looking like a hideous acid trip.

During the intermission the Tims and I (Tim2 came out for the opening) were walking out of the theater and I heard Tony's mom calling my name. This was slightly odd since the last time I saw her at one of his shows she had no idea who I was eventhough we have met on occasion. I said hello and got swept up in the crowd, cutting our conversation short. I passed her later in the hall and as I was walking toward her she asked me if I was pregnant again. I laughed it of until she continued to tell me that I look like i have really gained weight since the last time she saw me.

What do you say to that?!?!

I stammered something about being on vacation, asked about her health and stuck her on the Tims.

Although I am slightly horrified by this I am really not that offended because I know in my heart of hearts the numbers on the scale have gone down since the last time I saw her. The last time I saw her was at Christmas, and you all know that I have been up in Women's Work Out World working on my fitness! Anyway, she is old and maybe not all there, but still, do you say that to someone?! What kind of response does one expect to that?


Christy said...

Oh my god! What an uncomfortable situation! One of my grandmothers is like that. I've decided to try to be amused by her instead of offended, but still!

Indie Mama said...

what a little....

no help here...i'm no good in awkward situations.

like you said, she's probably no completely with it, but still...