Monday, April 13, 2009

A Message from the President....

Right now I should be writing a thing to put in the program of this women's group that I am the president of. There are many reasons why I am not doing that right now, the primary one is that I just don't fucking feel like spewing a bunch of bullshit all over my computer right now. If I were to write exactly what I thought it would go something like this:
Thank you all for coming and supporting the _______ scholarship recipients tonight!
It has been another year with the same old group of hens who have so little in their lives that they worry about every incessant detail of this nonsense way too much. Being president of this group has been an albatross that I am thrilled to be ridding myself of in a few short weeks. While I appreciate what we do here as something good to keep people interested in the greek system, I pretty much can't stand being in the same room with most of you (you know who you are), and I am disappointed that we have decided to take our big fundraising event to the trailer park next year with a fashion show from the Dress Barn. (what Wal Mart wasn't available?)
I am sad that we lost a member to cervical cancer this year, and I really appreciated that you all were assholes about the whole thing. Don't worry, we got the binder back.
Hope you all had fun- I know that you are just as excited as I am that I will not be presiding over meetings next year!

Yeah, that is so not going in the program.
I feel badly that I am this unpleasant about the whole thing, but whatever. They did not elect me to this office, and it has been something that I have had to endure just as much as they have. Whatever....

1 comment:

Christy said...

Oh my god. What a nightmare. This is exactly the kind of thing I would get myself into. I'm happy for you that you're almost done!