Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Unhealthy Obsession

(Blogging twice in 24 hours- who am I? What is next going to Blogher and publishing a book? Probably not...)

I have many unhealthy habits- nail biting, wine,candy, as well as an unquenchable interest in pop culture. I think the fascination with celebrities is unnecessary, but that does not stop me from logging onto Perezhilton 10 times a day to see what everyone is up to. I draw the line at anything supported by TMZ, however, because I feel that they are a bit too intrusive (I do love the thing they have of Deepak Chopra saying that if he married Oprah she would be Oprah Chopra which still makes me giggle). Anyway, while I feel that the famous still deserve privacy I am sickly fascinated by things like the Real Housewives.

My obsession du jour, however, is starting to get a little out of hand according to my husband. My interest in all things Zac Efron (including lengthy monologues about his career trajectory) is starting to bug Tim and I am wondering if it is bordering on being as unhealthy as my interest in eating Easter candy rather than actual meals. It is no secret that this house is all about High School Musical. We resisted the franchise until Abby and I went to see #3, and while that was all that was allowed for a while we have since broken down and committed ourselves to being those people who can sing along with every single song from every single movie. That is fine- we are in the Disney machine, but my affair with Mah Boo (I am stealing Michael K's name for Anderson Cooper) has really blossomed since I Netflixed Hairspray (side note- we need to talk about all the nouns/brand names that have become verbs lately- Netflix, Google, etc. I am a big offender on this one). He has this weird little twitchy wink thing that he does that makes me think he might be able to act, and from the few interviews I have seen he is not a total moron. The fact that he is pretty doesn't hurt either.

So why am I an 11 year old girl about this? Tim is worried that I am going to start plastering our walls with Troy posters that I am going to start signing things like our taxes with his last name. Neither will happen, but I will still continue to worry about his career more than I worry about going to the grocery store.


Christy said...

Hmmm. I'm not sure who Zac Efron is, actually.
However, I don't think there's anything wrong with tapping into your inner eleven year old girl every once in a while. As long as you don't fly to Hollywood to stalk his set while munching Easter candy and wearing dark glasses, I think you're doing fine.
I am also raiding the Easter baskets - it's all part of being a good mother - I wouldn't want my small children to actually consume all that candy! How unhealthy for them!

Christy said...

So now I've been seeing Zac Efron everywhere. You've opened my eyes.

Belle said...

You're welcome.