Monday, June 11, 2007

The DNA Test

I took this picture of my kids last week when I was making them an afternoon snack, which is coincidentally the time of day that I have a spoonful of peanut butter. I have seen every member of my family do this, my mom, sister, grandma, aunt, father, stepmother, and I was pleased to learn that Tim actually does this too. I ralize that it may be gross to some, to eat out of the peanut butter jar, but really, it just tastes better that way. Apparently my girls think so too.....


Christy said...

I'm guilty of that one as well. If I'm really feeling decadent, I dip the peanut butter into chocolate chips, yum!

Cute picture!

Indie Mama said...

I think it is a well known fact peanut butter tastes best straight from the jar - we here prefer the chunky kind... = )