Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Only Child for a Day

Sunday night my mom took Abby for an overnight at her house. Abby loves going over there because there are no rules and she can prance around like I did at my Grammy's house when I was a kid. I also like when my mom takes her because it gives me a chance to hang with Nora all by herself.
Sunday night was kind of weird without Abby. Tim had worked all day and I think that when she has had no one other than me to entertain her for 7 straight days, she gets a bit bored. When Tim came home from work he was in the midst of some existential crisis/temper tantrum that was oh-so-fun to deal with. After we put Nora to bed (which is my next blog post) I looked at Tim and asked him if he felt bad that we didn't spend more time with just Nora, to which he gave me some dramatic answer about how he doesn't spend time with anyone (which I call bullshit on since he was out with the kid he works with until 3 in the morning on Friday).
So yesterday Miss Eleanor and I had the day to ourselves. We did laundry and cleaned out the office a little bit. She showed me some fun games with this little tunnel thing we have. She and I talked about colors and where some of our body parts are. We ate peanut butter on a spoon for lunch, she took a kick ass nap so that I could finish my book club book. We ran a couple of errands in the afternoon, and life was good. I guess I had forgotten what it was like when you only have one child to tote around. It was all so easy, but at the time is was unbelievably difficult.
I really liked having the day to get to know my youngest in an environment without her sister. Sure, we had the days that Abby was in school, but those were always packed full of having to do that or clean that before Abby came home. It was fun to just take Nora to the grocery store where she could sit in the cart and not have anyone pulling at her feet or poking her in the back. She really seemed to bloom in the complete center of my attention, and I hope I can give that to her a little more often now that she is older.
The funniest result of our day apart was that by about 5 o'clock it was obvious that we were both missing Abby. Nora doesn't really say her name, but she does make a noise in reference to her and she ran up and down the hall making the noise with a slight inflection at the end that made it obvious she was looking for her sister. And she got so excited when she finally saw Grammy's car pull up and Abby pop out.
It is good to have her back.

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