Friday, June 22, 2007

A Memo to My Husband

Hi honey, remember me?
I know that you are trying to take a new approach to your career, and I think that is great and everything, but seriously, you need to be home more than one night a week. And even if you are not, when your kid is yelling for you at 6:30 in the morning, it is because she wants you, not me, so please don't tell me to go take care of her. If she is asking for you in the morning you can't get irritated because I don't get irritated the seventeen other times she asks for you during the day. Being home on the weekend, and one night during the week is just not enough. Especially when one of the nights that you have missed bed time was been because you worked kind of late and then chose to go out and drink with your little boyfriends, and the other was because you had hockey. Apparently your new strategy for your career is to do things just the way your dad did. Please don't complain when they are 30 and resent you as much as you resent your dad.

Also, just so you know, Costco is not the only place it the universe to buy grocery-type items. So when I say, "I need to go to the grocery store this weekend" please don't say, "yeah, there is some stuff I need at Costco too". I find it annoying.

Thanks for your time, honey. I'll see you when you get home (oh, yeah, and you know how you said that your buddy had to pick up his car at closing tonight, that does not give you liscense to go out and frolick with him thus missing bedtime with the girls yet again. I don't care what names he calls you, or if he tries to make you feel guilty, trust me when I tell you that what I will do to you will be much worse if you decide to give in to him).

1 comment:

Indie Mama said...


Oh man can I relate! My guy has been coming in between 11PM-1AM from work Mon-Thurs.

SUCKS! = )