Monday, July 09, 2007

Desperate Housewife

I am having one of those days where I feel like Lynette in the first season of Desperate Housewives. You know when she is taking all the Ritalin and has a freakout because her husband is traveling and her kids are screaming, all to the tune of The 59th Street Bridge Song.
Abby was overtired, I was crabby, Nora needed her nap to happen an hour before it did, and last an hour longer than Abby wanted it to.
We have been busy little bees since returning from camping. We have been to the pool, the carnival, the 4th of July festivities, the library, the movies, and several parks along the way. While we are having fun, I crave the routine that we settle in during the fall and winter months. Abby starts camp tomorrow, and I think it will be good for her to be around someone other than me.
When I was on the phone with my sister this evening she asked me how my marriage was, seeing as that is a thermometer for how anything else in my life is going, and while it is good, I told her that she would be able to read about a conversation Tim and I had this evening...I mentioned to him that I made a call to get the ball rolling in the direction of me going back to school. While I am not looking at enrolling anywhere full time, I am looking at taking some classes to get the gen eds down so that I can eventually get to nursing school (before I am 35, hopefully). He got all weird, and when I asked him what the trouble was he told me that he found it hard to believe that me taking classes would not interfere in the other stuff in my life. I kind of wanted to poke his eyes out. But really if me going back to school means that he has to actually put his dishes in the dishwasher, I think he'll live. I'll still be home so he can go out and play XBox.
This conversation compiled with a long day has done me in. I think Nora is coming down with something. He nose was runny, she isn't eating, and we had an unfortunate incident in the grocery store today (Diarrhea is bad. It is worse in a swim diaper. And worse than that is when it happens in the grocery cart). All signs are pointing to teeth, but knowing her she really has contracted the Kukamunga flu.
I posted new pictures on flickr, and if you are interested in matching a name with a face, Abby got to ride the bumper cars with Mrs. Materialism(note her Versace sunglasses, but you can't see the Coach diaper bag), and her boys and my girls had fun at the carnival together.
As Scarlett O'Hara says..."Tomorrow is another day."


Indie Mama said...

Hey - it's 7 AM here, my kid's been up since 3 AM, she's been had a temp off and on since Friday, my in-laws just left (insert rolled eyes) yesterday and my husband had to leave town right after them for a few days, and I don't even have Ms. Materialism to keep my spirits up! = )

Hope you (well, and me too) have better days.

And whatever, your guy will probably bitch and moan his way through all your classes, but then be all excited for the extra income and when the girls are in school and you're working.

Wow, I'm a ray of sunshine today, huh?

Christy said...

That's great that you are thinking about taking some classes! Maybe it just caught Tim off guard and he will come around to being more supportive of the idea.

Your kids are so adorable!