Sunday, July 01, 2007

Reconnaissance Mission

The Ladies and I joined my sister and her posse on their annual camping trip this past weekend. My goal was to check things out and see if we could make this an annual family vacation as well. I was kind of glad not to take Tim with, seeing as he has never really camped before and despite that would still know everything about everything.
We had a great time as you can see , and will be doing it again next year, a little longer, a little less dependent on my sister, and with Tim. We can't wait.
I really do have every intention of blogging about what has been going on around here, but tonight we are going out for dinner to fix up the kid Tim works with and a random chickie that I know, tomorrow is belly dancing, Wednesday is obviously a holiday, so I am hoping for Thursday to get my blogging act together, but we'll see....

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