Tuesday, December 19, 2006

A Memo to My Mother in Law

Hi Kathy,
Could you do me a favor and not buy me anything from Walgreen's this year? I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but really, keep you $1.99 and pass on the crap that you think is "so cute". Pleas include my husband and my kids in this also. We do not need anymore generic toys, or any toys for that matter, or any light up spinning musical anythings. I really feel bad when I have to throw it all out because it is full of chocking hazards and broken pieces. And all that "adorable" plush you found there- leave it there. The charities that I donate most of the crap you give us have told me that they won't take anymore stuffed animals form me because even the poor kids don't want them. And on the subject of the "Chocolate Fountain" you want to buy Tim, please don't. We don't use the Chilli set, Smores maker, Foot Bath or any of the other shit you have bought in the past 6 years.
Thank you,
Your Daughter in Law


Anonymous said...

Have been reading the blog and love it (does that make me lame? if so, so be it). Also enjoy you're sister's blog as well.
Good luck with the holidays!
(Our blog is for our out of town family, so is remarkably saccharine, but feel free to visit it if you need a sugar jolt!)

Belle said...

Let's be friends! I can't find any link to your blog, though!

Anonymous said...

He he...

I seem to have covered my blogging tracks quite nicely. My little girl's website is www.anushris-room.blogspot.com/
and I recently started a blog of my own at www.indiemama.blogspot.com/

Would appreciate it if never the 'twain shall meet as one is sposed to be family friendly, and the other was created to be expressly the opposite. Come visit!