Saturday, December 02, 2006

Panic! At the grocery store

We were almost out of baby wipes, and definitely out of milk yesterday so I packed up the ladies and off we went to the grocery store.
Now our local Jewel is usually pretty crowded, but the parking lot was ridiculous. I circled a few times before settling in the furthest corner from the door Abby will go in. (Have I told you about her OCD that won't let her go through the Osco entrance because it is "the wrong way") So we walk in and there is not a cart to be had. There were people everywhere. It was weird. So there were no regular carts, just the (fucking) butterfly carts with the big car attachment on the front. You know the ones that take up over half the aisle and weigh 2 tons? So we set off in one of those and fight our way through the oxygen tanks and "little rascals" that are clogging the aisles. I finally asked someone what they were giving away, and the guy reminded me that our local weather hero, Tom Skilling, had forecasted snow. Tom Skilling is never right, so who cares. But of course as I was making my way to the milk I grabbed a few things "just in case".
I got yelled at twice because my cart was too big, and reprimanded for leaving my cart with my kids in it at one of the intersections of the aisles while I ran down the crowded aisle to get eggs. What the hell people? Do you really want the big cart coming at you to complicate things? Didn't think so.
I opted for self check out since the overwhelming number of old people guaranteed me a no waiting spot in line. Self check out is great when you are just buying 1 or 2 things, but for nore than that it is a pain in the ass. Whatever, we got out of there unharmed and went on with our day to wait for the snow that never came.
Until this morning when we woke up to blankets of dense snow on everything. Tim swore a lot as he snow blowed, but I was so excited to get Abby out building snow men and frolicking the way I love to. School was cancelled today because the Honda Odesseys can't make it through 6 inches of snow, so we had a nice day inside. As the witching hour hit, I was glad I got swept up in the frenzy of storm preparation at the Jewel. Had I not the girls would have not had ravioli for dinner and we would have turned into the Donner party.

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