Sunday, March 04, 2007

Book Club

My friend Marnie asked me to join her book club and I was over the moon. I have always wanted to be in a real live book club where we discussed the book and our lives and became best friends forever. Alas, this is not really the book club for that. They are all engineers from Northwestern who have interesting jobs; some are just getting married, some have children, one is single.
So I went last month and it was fun enough. The ladies were fine, I couldn't remember any of their names, but I can talk to a wall so it was fun. They all went to college together so I was kind of the odd man out, but it was fine. I was actually looking forward to this one because we were reading Catcher in the Rye, one of my all time favorite books from high school. Yeah, I am not in high school anymore.I read the book quickly enough, skipping some parts, but remembering most of it. I definitely read it from a different perspective this time around and I was looking forward to seeing what these people thought of it; many of them had never read it.
So Marnie and I trek down to the city and on the way she tells me that one of the chicks, Bridget, just told her that she is pregnant. Yay, a new baby, blah blah blah. SO we get there and people start to trickle in, including the pregnant chick. Apparently she hadn't told everyone yet, but walked in the room and collapses on the sofa and announces that "pregnancy sucks". No one really knew what to say. One chick mumbled something about a congratulations and Bridget just went on and on in this whiny voice about how sick she is and how tired she is and how swollen she is. I started to get a bit annoyed, but whatever I can keep my mouth shut.
Book discussion started and the first thing Bridget did was launch into this whole tirade about how whiny Holden is and that it was just so irritating to have to wade through the crap that he was complaining about. I kept to myself that I thought she was a big fat whiner and we carried on. Book discussion ends, and we start talking about everyone's recent weddings/babies/pregnancies. I tried to be nice to Bridget because I could tell she wanted to talk about being knocked up so I asked her when she was due. She launched into this whole thing about how she just got married and "didn't have it in her" to go through more planning. So I said, "Oh so this must have been a little surprise" and she told me that in fact no, they were trying, but not expecting it to happen so quickly. This is where I lost it.
We all know where babies come from and so when you are rolling the dice and "starting to try" you should pretty well be ready to have a baby just in case you are one of the lucky people who don't have trouble getting pregnant. I can name several people who would give their eye teeth to be in her shoes and all she could do was bitch about how inconvenient it was. That is not cool. So of course I told her all of this. I was nice about it, but it was one of those uncomfortable confrontations where no one talks for a second afterward.
I think I embarrassed Marnie, and for that I do feel bad, but come on.
We are reading A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius next. Anyone have any other titles I can throw out when we pick the next book?
If they let me come back.


Indie Mama said...

I belong to one book club, with very select people, which meets at a place where our kids can run rampant adn destroy stuff (which they invariably do), and on occasion the actual book itself became quite incidental. = )

Btw, as someone who would love to have a second (or third) child but it's probably not in the cards, I would like to thank you for saying something to the whiny pregnant lady. I know it's easy to whine when you're uncomfortable, or nervous (1st time pregnant), or whatever, but she should know that she's probably going to hurt someone's feelings if she keeps it up.

Indie Mama said...

Oh yeah...btw I LOVE that you have a label called "annoying"! I totally got to get me one of those!

Christy said...

How do people get to this stage in life without reading Catcher in the Rye? That's one of my favorites too.
It's pretty hilarious that she whined about Holden being a whiner.
I recommend The Winter of our Discontent by John Steinbeck and Peace Like a River by Leif Enger. The Other Boleyn Girl by Phillipa Gregory is sort of an enjoyable trashy novel that lets you feel like it's not trashy since it's about history.
Good luck! :-)
Do you at least get to drink wine or something?

Anonymous said...

"As I Lay Dying" by William Faulkner. "Everything is Illuminated" by Jonathan Safran Foer. "Lover of Unreason" by Yehuda Koren and Eilat Negev. Anything by David Sedaris.

Charles said...

The Week You Weren't Here. Definitely.